Governor of Rwanda Goes to Trial

Tharcisse Renzaho
Another gem from Al Jazeera says that the trail of Tharcisse Renzaho, former governor of Rwanda, has begun. Renzaho has allegedly one of main men involved in the 1994 genocide that lead to the deaths of 800,000 people in Rwanda. He's being charged with genocide, complicity to commit genocide, assassination, and rape. (Need to refresh your memory? No Problem.)
And, believe it or not, the Bush Administration helped a little:
Renzaho was arrested in September 2002 in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) after pressure was placed by the US president, George Bush, on his Congolese counterpart, Joseph Kabila. Washington had offered up to $5m for information leading to the arrest of about 15 Rwandans being sought by the [International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda], including Renzaho.
I'm glad that somebody is being tried for such a terrible crime, but let's not count our chickens yet. You know the old saying: "It ain't over til' the jury reaches a verdict."
Want to help the Rwanda survivors? Go ahead.
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